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balaton sound 2020 preise

More information (in Dutch) can be found on the Balaton Sound Bus page. Being by the lake while the sun sets and a cool breeze sets in. One of the biggest open air electronic music festivals in Europe, the festival was co-founded by the people behind Sziget. Attracting over 150,000 music lovers ready to party across its five days each year, Balaton Sound puts together an enviable lineup of the world's biggest DJs.With nine stages, the festival presents everything from EDM and house to hip hop and is located right on the scenic Lake Balaton, making it feel like a musical paradise. Attracting over 150,000 music lovers ready to party across its five days each year, Balaton Sound puts together an enviable lineup of the world's biggest DJs. Attracting over 150,000 music lovers ready to party across its five days each year, Balaton Sound puts together an enviable lineup of the world's biggest DJs. I attended the third day of the 2017 version and I was blown away. I loved Balaton Sound. If you are holding a ticket for Balaton Sound 2020, please click the below button for more information on your options: FAQ. Balaton Sound is a dance music festival in Zamárdi, Hungary. A Balaton Sound 2020-as fellépőit még nem hirdették ki. Abonnez-vous à notre newsletter et recevez toutes les informations sur notre programme, les tickets et plus encore ! Join the #Festivalbeach in 2020 too! Departure from Balaton Sound, Zamárdi, Hungary: Monday 13 July Arrival in The Netherlands & Belgium: Tuesday 14 July. Balaton Sound is a dance music festival in Zamárdi, Hungary. S'abonner. One of the biggest open air electronic music festivals in Europe, the festival was co-founded by the people behind Sziget. Arrival Balaton Sound, Zamárdi, Hungary: Wednesday 8 July. Lake Balaton, 8621 Zamárdi Siófoki út, Zamárdi, UngarnBudapest is the closest airport to Lake Balaton.

Attracting over 150,000 music lovers ready to party across its five days each year, Balaton Sound puts together an enviable lineup of the world's biggest DJs.With nine stages, the festival presents everything from EDM and house to hip hop and is located right on the scenic Lake Balaton, making it feel like a musical paradise.Zamárdi is a small town on the southern shores of Lake Balaton, about 100 km outside of Budapest. Balaton Sound 2020 . Balaton Sound is a dance music festival in Zamárdi, Hungary.


Take a train from the airport to Budapest Deli and then on to Zamárdi Felso station. A Balaton Soundon 2020. július 8-12. között ismét óriási bulik várják a közönéget. Martin garrix, KYGO, Dimitri Vegas and Like Mike, Robin SCHULZ már biztos ott lesz. One of the biggest open air electronic music festivals in Europe, the festival was co-founded by the people behind Sziget. Jegyvásárlás és jegyárak hamarosan! Attracting over 150,000 music lovers ready to party across its five days each year, Balaton Sound puts together an enviable lineup of the world's biggest DJs. Balaton Sound is a dance music festival in Zamárdi, Hungary. Sign up If you are holding a ticket for Balaton Sound 2020, please click the below button for more information on your options:

To stay up-to-date on all Balaton Sound news and 2021 ticket & accommodation updates, sign up to our newsletter! Amazing DJ's playing amazing music while the festive vibe everyone brings and how it gets crazy at night once the main stage… One of the biggest open air electronic music festivals in Europe, the festival was co-founded by the people behind Sziget. One of the biggest open air electronic music festivals in Europe, the festival was co-founded by the people behind Sziget.

Tickets for the Balaton Sound Bus are available in the Balaton Sound 2020 ticketshop. Newsletter. Nos super sponsors . The festival site is right next door.Children under the age of 11 can enter the festival for free, while those under the age of 14 may enter and camp at the festival, but only with an adult. The best way to the festival site is by train, which will take about 3 hours. Balaton Sound is a dance music festival in Zamárdi, Hungary. Please welcome the first names of #SOUND2020 .

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