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:(I used !Important in my wordpress child theme to override the parents style (I only needed a few modifications, so it was OK to do this in my eyes)Child themes load their CSS after the parent theme, so as long as you use the exact same selector as the parent, you don’t need !important rules to override.

This is where incremental specificity comes in handy.For example, let’s imagine we have the following HTMLThe “text” class has already declared in your stylesheet.You want to keep the underline and the italic styles, but you want to change the font color of the text inside the “module” div to red without affecting the navy font color inside the “box” div.Because of the source order rule, we already know that doing something like this will change the text to red for all elements with the “text” class, which is not what we want.However, since our “text” class is applied to a element AND a

element, we can achieve incremental specificity by adding the p selector.By targeting both an element and class, we’ve incrementally changed our specificity value from to, which results in this:However, if for some reason we decided to replace our element with a

element, then we’re stuck with the same problem as before.So how can we increase the specificity even more? However, if we set Then people without JS enabled will definitely see #foo in its final animated position.I use in two cases: for IE hacks and for print stylesheet.Or if you want to get really creative you can use the ! Inline-styles are more specific than IDs.And that’s when we get to the !important tag.

It’s easy and often perfectly valid to write a CSS selector that has a higher specificity value than 0,0,1,0 and accidentally screws up a button. I’ve found myself overriding inline styles, which are also usually a bad practice. You’ve used a very specific ID selector to target a very generic link element in a part of the page that is very broad: your content. Think of the popular I even talked to Nicole Sullivan who said she’d be adding !important rules to the spacer classes that she uses in her Since these styles apply to all websites, not specific websites, you’ll need to write fairly generic selectors that are the most likely to apply to all sites, like So what about you folks? The only way we can override the color of our

element now is with additional !important tags that are applied later in our CSS.As mentioned, each CSS selector carries a different “weight.” Browsers use to this weight to determine which styles should have priority. !important is a big help in this instance because the inline styles trump everything in the cascade.When using media queries, it’s sometimes necessary or at least acceptable to override styles using !important. So you should do your best to give your CSS proper forethought and avoid using !important wherever possible.

Using !important in your CSS usually means you’re narcissistic & selfish or lazy. If you have important information to share, please We can target the “text” class This increases our specificity from to because we are now using two classes in our selector. !important is immensley useful for over-riding plugins, it means you can upgrade the plugin without fear!

Hopefully this guide has helped you understand how source order, inheritance, and specificity all play a role in determining how your styles work “behind the scenes.”More importantly, hopefully this guide has helped you understand how to use these rules to your advantage when writing CSS.Get articles about UX/UI Design + Front-End DevelopmentI like to share those "ah ha" moments with Designers, Developers, and UX Engineers.Get articles about UX/UI Design + Front-End Development Let’s duplicate our last

element and add an inline-style to it, setting the font color to pink.As you can see, the font color applied to the inline-styles overrides the ID selector’s font colors. Other than that I think css provides enough possibilites to style a page without the need to rely on important rules.Yes, this very often happens to me. The problem in this case is the “#content a” declaration as it’s the one that messes things up and should be avoided. If you can’t override a class by adding a new ID, then how are you supposed to override it? However, in this particular case we want to keep our navy font color.This will only target the text inside the content div and increase our specificity value to 2: We can introduce a “text-red” modifier class to the second

element.This will keep our specificity value to, but still solve our problem.Both options 1 and 2 will achieve the desired result:As you can see, when you’re styles aren’t “working like they’re supposed to” you don’t have to resort the !important tag. Broad styles like this should be specified as page level styles, ie: “a { … }”, and then more targetted for a certain class of elements. We can use the following selectors, or a combination of these selectors, to tell the browser specifically what we’re trying to do:Each selector carries a different “weight,” which helps browsers understand which styles should take precedence. Source order no longer matters because we are now targeting a different (and more specific) selector.This is important to point out because it gives us insight into how specificity works.

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