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adjektive endung er

The famous writer Mark Twain used to make fun of the phenomenon of German adjective endings. The advantage of the explanation of adjective endings on this page is that instead of having to memorize three separate tables of endings, you just need to memorize one simple table with -e and -en endings, and the rest of the adjective endings follow from what you already know about the forms of der/das/die. Well, that´s what I think, at least :).

Many textbooks try to totally avoid any tables and treat the adjective and several accompanying words only incidentally, in the hope that the students practice and learn the rules of the German adjective endings more or less unconsciously. Ich spiele gern mit einem klein___, süß___ Baby.1b. Have a look here at 3 such tables for German adjective endings “to remember” and decide for yourself if it’s really possible to memorize something like that:Nobody is able to memorize this and to learn the German adjective endings this way. In the video I explain, how the table works an how you can use it immediately in you German lessons. From this arises the first of both the principles for the declension of the adjective:„Huh?“OK, that was a bit too abstract, so here’s an example for the …These case-endings are sometimes also used by other accompanying words, we call them then This questions brings us to the second principle, which helps us with the learning of German adjective endings:What does this mean exactly? If this is confusing for you, some options areThere is no determiner present here.

You know, that the definite article does not always precedes the noun, it can be another accompanying word or sometimes there isn’t even an accompanying word or article at all. The adjective then has the so called So, you don’t really have to learn a new table, because you already know the articles with their case-endings. She managed to integrate adjective and article declinations in only one table. The disadvantage is that you have to learn a (not very complicated) new concept which you will find only on this page: the “determiner” (you may occasionally find this term in other German texts with a slightly different meaning). Some adjectives never take endings, e.g. Das passiert auch bei fremden Adjektiven auf unbetontem -er . But who can memorize this? Adjectives that start with a and end with er abler aflicker aflutter after aglimmer aglitter airometer alabaster alcohometer alder aleger aller amber ambidexter another asper Hoch drops the “c” and adjectives ending in -el or -er drop their final “e” when they take adjective endings. 8 letter adjectives ending with er Aflutter Aglitter Cavalier Gossamer Improper Lavender Leftover Sinister Together Unbitter Whatever 9 letter adjectives ending with er Alabaster Hardcover Healthier Jerkwater Nonkosher Overeager 2655 Wörter mit er fanden. Steigerung der englischen Adjektive mit den Endungen -er und -est - Übungen - Englisch Lernen im Internet Menü Steigerung der Adjektive mit den Endungen -er und -est – Übung Anzeigen Aufgaben-Nr. Moreover the relationships between the interrogative pronouns, the declension of the article and adjective and the personal pronoun are developed.If you really want to learn German grammar, I would like to recommend you to use When a German gets his hands on an adjective, he declines it, and keeps onWhen this case-ending is not used by the accompanying word, it has to be used by the adjective.

Sie spielt gern mit ihrem klein___, süß___ Baby. This topic is one of the most difficult of basic German grammar, and I have never known a student who hasn’t struggled with it.I’m not surprised! Let’s have a look at an example with a noun with a possessive pronoun:You’re guaranteed that you will learn this and many, many other problems of the German grammar, in a much easier way with the new standard work for the learning of German grammar:from Neustadt, Germany, developed an excellent overview and allowed me to present it to you on my website. Alle Woerter mit Endung er, in alphabetischer Reihenfolge Wörter mit 3 Buchstaben, mit Endung er cer ger per wer zer Wörter mit 4 Buchstaben, mit Endung er aber ader aper bier eber eher eier gier heer

Very often we, teachers, give our students simply 3 or 4 tables, which they have to learn by heart. Please keep reading, if you do not want to become just as desperate about it as he was …Every time I had to teach German adjective endings I was really happy that I had already learned it naturally as a child; so, today I „just know“ how it works.

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