auch die Herkunft des deutschen Begriffs »Marke« in der Kennzeichnung oder Markierung. Then they reported whether emotional or sexual infidelity of their partner would distr...The basic tenet of the present article is that even though the scientific value of macro-biological (evolutionary or inter-cultural) approaches to social cognition may be questioned, evolutionary analyses may serve the creative function of a theory heuristic that can be used instrumentally to further theoretical explanations and to derive new testa...Zusammenfassung: Basierend auf dem Inklusions-Exklusionsmodell (Schwarz & Bless, 1992) wurde in einem Experiment der Einfluss einer beruflich erfolgreichen - und damit stereotyp-inkonsistenten Frau - auf die stereotype Beurteilung von Frauen im Allgemeinen untersucht. A 'read' is counted each time someone views a publication summary (such as the title, abstract, and list of authors), clicks on a figure, or views or downloads the full-text. Three experiments are repo...Selected judgmental processes that bear on how individuals determine if things have changed in their life, and whether these changes are for the better or worse, are reviewed. Therefore, pros are more salient for distant-future actions than are cons and the reverse holds for near-future actions (Eyal, Liberman, Trope, & Walther, 2004). Consequently, it was hypothesized and found in five experiments that reminders of money trigger abstract (vs. concrete) mental construals. For example, many consumers skip checking “Terms and Conditions” links even when a quick evaluation of the terms can save money, but check their smartphone while driving...Priming can increase the likelihood of retrieval from memory, facilitate the processing of encountered brands, determine product categorization, the encoding, and the weighting of the product attributes. According to the dual-process approaches that dominate contemporary social psychology, rationality is only possible in the systematic processing mode, whereas the heuristic processing mode is considered intrinsically flawed, in contrast t...Recent studies have shown that individuals often imitate the behavior of others. Previous research showed that respondents calibrate such scales according to subjective standards. He is widely regarded as the "father of experimental psychology".
One popular strategy for reducing associated costs is brand transfer. Schon früh markierten Händler ihre Waren, indem sie Säcke und Kisten stempelten, und Handwerker signierten ihre Werkstücke Alle sind Kommunikationsakte und alle folgen den gleichen Regeln. However, the contrast effect was eliminated when the shared category membership o...This article investigates how the activation of a specific exemplar influences the direction and the size of context effects on evaluative judgments about other specific exemplars or about a superordinate category. Paper is on RG; see here:
Psy 3: W imie zasad Die langersehnte Fortsetzung der Kultreihe: Nach 25 Jahren Haft verlässt Franz Maurer das Gefängnis und betritt ein neues Polen, in dem nichts mehr ist, woran er sich erinnert. The activation of an untrustworthy politician decreased judgments of trustworthiness of politicians in general but increased judgments...This experiment examined the effects of pattern of disconfirming information (concentrated vs. dispersed) and processing instructions (focus on similarities vs. differences vs. control) on stereotype change. Presumably, information overload causes decreased satisfaction and reducing information overload would increase satisfaction. Psychologie an der Universität Mannheim. Based on the link between psychological distance and abstract mental representation, we hypothesized and found in three studies that both consumers and advertisers des...This article is a tribute to the "mood as information" paradigm in general and the seminal weather study (Schwarz & Clore, 1983) in particular. Response effects stemming from question order, wording, positioning, etc., are primarily perceived as errors that should be minimized to arrive at respondents' true opinions. Research on judgment in a variety of domains shows that such fluency effects depend less on the (absolute) level of experienced fluency than on the relative fluency—that is, the change in fluency o...In the present research we elaborate on an ecological account (Fiedler, Jung, Wänke & Alexopoulos, 2012) for the unitary distance dimension postulated in construal-level theory, highlighting linguistic influences on distance regulation.
The present contributi...In two studies we disentangled and systematically investigated the impact of subtle facial cues to masculinity/femininity and gender category information on first impressions.
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