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gamepro uncharted 3

Only 10 more months and we'll get to play Uncharted 3. The plot of 1 and 2 are very average, but the main character is one of the best in gaming I think. After all, gamers just want the experience. My most wanted game for this year. It's just me.

I need to change my pants after watching that preview. Positiv ist auch der Blick in Nathans Vergangenheit, der euch näher an den Charakter bringt. Watch Queue Queue Positiv ist auch der Blick in Nathans Vergangenheit, der euch näher an den Charakter bringt. Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception ist eine technische Perle, die jetzt schon Maßstäbe für 2012 setzt. Kleine Dosen und Tonnen rutschen und kullern an Deck physikalisch korrekt in alle Richtungen. The Co-op modes were really fun though especially the gold grab mode. thats your fanboy right there,you begrudgingly do not want to pay for a rival console due to your love of a piece of plastic from microsoft Everyone needs to grow up here, the guy bought the 360 and maybe can't justify buying another £200 console to his wife/gf/partner or even parents (if your young) doesn't mean he's a troll... DAMMMNNNNN......MMMMMMMMMMMM.. ..kinda drooled there lol I hate when things say "new footage" and then I discover I've seen it before. One thing that they should try to balance out though is the melee system in the multiplayer.. Other than that ND really implemented the multiplayer perfectly to the Uncharted Universe which I truly respect since the game is very story driven. There was a point where UC2 multiplayer was the only MP game I was playing and in all the time I played, I've only had TWO experiences where another person actually had the DLC co-op map packs.

This video is unavailable. I HATE HALO and all games with no ADS.. who wants to shoot across the map from the hip? Depends on which edition of Uncharted 3 you want. much potential.. can't wait to see a game with drake climbing abilities with Frostbite destructability and sound. UC2's MP could've been good, if I never had to wait for 35 minutes just to join a game. The maps were a good size and prevented campers from just hiding and taking out people without anyone ever knowing where they are, only a few perks were unfair, (Situational Awareness of course),you could easily tell the difference between friend, foe or particular players unlike most shooters where everyone wears basically the same thing making it hard to tell who is who until it is too late, their were enough modes and maps to satisfy everyone and unlike most shooters the ability to hang and climb added new dimension to the game. the contrary, there a time where UC2 was also the only multiplayer I played and during those times, there "LOADS" of people playing the DLC. In Jemen zieht ihr durch Gassen, lauft auf Dächern und durchquert Wohnungen. Licht- und Schatteneffekte wurden seit dem Vorgänger noch mal überarbeitet.Die Flammen im brennenden Chateau breiten sich realistisch aus.Schwere Schlagseite: Nate ist zwar nüchtern, torkelt aber aufgrund des Seegangs trotzdem über den Kreuzer.Die Koop-Missionen sind von der Kampagne abgekoppelt, machen aber einen Heidenspaß.Wie detailverliebt die Entwickler zu Werke gingen, zeigt diese jemenitische Stadt. with enemys comming from everywhere and more open spaces with jeeps and trucks ,omg waow that will be crazy ,just picture it!! well the art style of KZ and Uncharted are quite different.. Killzone has always try to capture the realism when it comes to graphics where as Uncharted has more of the cartoonish feel and look. Seriously....that`s was discusting. Watch Queue Queue. Was to powerful and everyone ran for it.

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